Sean M. Sullivan emerged from the womb with a corncob pipe, a bottle of Scotch, and a copy of Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. A self-anointed computer hobbyist, entrepreneur, writer, critic and reincarnated Bruce Lee, he spends most of his time daydreaming about traveling the stars while drinking Earl Grey Tea. To keep up with his identity as a masochist Sean self-induced existential crises by studying Philosophy before finding his true love, writing. He can normally be found overdosed on caffeine to summon inspiration for any number of blog websites, including, and; you can find all of his work at One day soon Sean will stumble upon Buddhahood and write himself around the world.
Looking for the Revolution: Utopia and You
Society is always making progress as it reaches for the future. However, progress isn't always equal. People have yet to learn tolerance; the tolerance of others and tolerance of themselves. Our society cannot flourish unless we recognize our differences and accept the views of others. As much as I like to disagree with Aristotle on a whole range of ideas he did say, "it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." This is a mentality which shouldn't be reserved for philosophers and law school students.
for philosophers and law school students. If you want to create a paradise on Earth you have to start with yourself.
There's a meme floating around that gives the bad advice that being tolerant doesn't mean tolerating the intolerant. Well I don't know who came up with that one but they definitely need to break out Google and head to A tolerant attitude is all about tolerating those who you can't stand. It means recognizing that not everyone has the same beliefs and same lives as you. Tolerance is accepting that you won't 35 always be comfortable with what other people say.