Sid's Opened Lid Sid's Opened Lid's Super Funky Summer Issue 02 | Page 27

Amy: I don't really have a favorite piece of my own. I usually keep moving from piece to piece and I become bored with old work. I usually enjoy pieces that give me a lot of clarification on where to go with the next. For me the most recent project that gave me a lot of clarification was the series of tiles I painted.

SOL: Is art something you would like to do for a living?

Amy: Yes, my goal after undergrad is to have a stable studio practice and continue making work.

SOL: Is there a purpose to your work? (Trying to pertain to

specific audience, politics be it satirical or serious, etc.)

Amy: A big purpose for me is just to have it exist. I learn a lot through making each piece and I get a lot out of it.

SOL: How do other people view your work, as far as you know, and do you agree with their analysis? (I understand art is up for interpretation and can be different for everyone, but does not stop the fact you will have inclinations or reactions to what other people say about your work.)

Amy: I think people get the feel of my work pretty easily- influences that are child-like and exploring girl-hood - lighthearted.