Sid's Opened Lid - Reincarnated Issue 6 February 2018 | Page 29

"I need to make sure that I am doing the other things and promoting a healthy lifestyle overall. These two things finances and time will bridge me to being closer to who I want to be. And that is what living the superhero life is about, taking smaller steps for larger gains." - Sixty Day Superhero: Day Twelve

"Building momentum is one of the most important things. I write daily because I must. No one tells me I have to, and it’s gotten easier to just sit down and do it. Sure, some of my posts aren’t great. I just cram together a bunch of words and hope for the best, but I do it. This is because over the last two months, I have built momentum in my writing. I’ve built it as a necessity to life, and that built momentum pushes me forward even when I really don’t want to be bothered to do it...Willpower alone won’t keep you going. Habit will. My writing is habit. It’s the first thing I do. It’s the thing I have to do. Exercise has not made it into a habit yet. It’s where willpower comes in. You can use that force of will to get you started and establishing the habit will make the boulder roll easier." - Sixty Day Superhero: Day Seven

"The pizza place weighed me down. Maybe it wasn’t even the pizza place but merely the management responsibilities I had. I was always there either physically or mentally because of my connection to my phone. I did not have my mind towards the future of what I wanted because every second needed to be part of the business. That has since changed and that’s such a big weight off my life.

It also helps that I’m defining myself and my future more than I was when I was working there. I am writing all the time and doing a job that I really love (for the most part). I love serving people, and I love working in the environment that gives me life.

Especially in these days, I think optimism is important." -Optimism for the Win

As you can see for this Superhero, his kryptonite is pessimism, or the attitude you put into doing things you have to do in your life. This means that his kryptonite can ultimately be himself if he is not in a solid state of mind, but he has a way to counteract it's effects. The writing he does has such an affect on him that not only does he use it for creative endevaours but also to work through a time where he might