Sid's Opened Lid - Reincarnated Issue 6 February 2018 | Página 2


The Evolution and Link of Humanity and How it Correlates with the Evolution of Sid's Opened Lid and Link to His "Real" Self

Tonight is the perfect night. The air is smooth and wet with no harsh winds, not even a slight breeze it is so still in anticipation, and the warmth blankets you from the dripping rain that adds a cool soothing effect. That dark streets resembling a glittery sky with the shimmering of wet streets and puddles reflecting security lights of homes and apartment buildings and banners of storefronts.

Sid's Opened Lid is re-animated on this first day of February, merely a shell of its former self with the hopes of undergoing a complete rebirth that may take ten tales to be told over the course of ten days and one more for relaxation to make eleven. We are the convenience the world needed. God supposedly created the world in seven days, and we have been revived in 11, making 7/11.

Enjoy the art of Vogue featured artists, the music of Grammy nominated prisoners, and the writing of your not so normal everyday superhero in this zombie issue of Sid's Opened Lid.