Who Are Those Twins Uncle Brent?!?!?!
That was actually the first question I asked whoever it was out of the three who was emailing me from the band, Uncle Brent and the Nostone, before I got around to asking that silly question about art. I mean why should I need to ask when I had two pieces of art in front of me? Looking away to three grizzly men would only make me want to fart. These bear bearded men had a surprising answer when it came to the art question though, after telling me the twins only serve as promotional partners and art not part of the band and that they plan on getting a matching set of attractive men, preferably firemen holding axes and long hoses between their legs that are shooting out a surge of warm liquid.
How can art be candid, straightforward, and introspective, where it takes meditation (something that gives no concrete answer) to achieve, at the same time?
Thinking about it, the answer is simple: Stay true to yourself and you yourself will be a work of art, just like those twins and future firemen,