Sid's Opened Lid - Reincarnated Dec. 2015 | Page 5

Sid Awakes from Hibernation and Sid's Opened Lid's Is Reincarnated

Sid has been gone for a long time and those who he met along the way may be wondering where it is exactly he went to. The truth of the story is Sid has been in hibernating for awhile. He is like an introvert and too much social activity tires him out. Three months in a row was too much for him so he hooped back into his lid and slept for awhile. Sleeping for a year has given him enough energy for a year and in this year he wishes to regain the relatonships he had made with interns, contributors, actor James Franco (unfortunately the late Robin Williams is no longer with us), and readers.

This issue is the reincarnation of Sid's Opened Lid. Feeling cheesy after getting out of his lid and smiling cheesily at all the people he encounters Sid plans to make this issue as cheesy as possible. So dive in to the cheese bowl mixed with awesome sauce.