Sid's Opened Lid - Reincarnated Dec. 2015 | Page 10


فى هذه المرحله من حياتى لا استطيع التفكير الا فى الاشياء التى تثير شغفى، فمثلا السفر حول العالم للتعرف على ثقافات واجناس جديده ومغامرات لاحكيها للعالم كله ولكن مسؤوليتى اتجاه الاشخاص الذين احبهم وخاصه (امى) تمنعنى

وتدريجيا اصبحت اكره حبى لهؤلاء الاشخاص،وبدات افهم انه لا يوجد ما يسمى بالحريه فى الحب.

فالحب هو اسمى اشكال العبوديه...


In this phase of my life i can't help but think about all the things that makes me passionate, or happy, for example traveling around the world and getiting to know a new culture and new people and new adventurers to teach the whole world about, but my responsibility towards the people that I love, especially my Mom, forbid me to,

And I began to despise my love for those people like a lost lover

And I slowly understand that there's no such thing as freedom in love.

So in fact love is the highest form of slavery....