drawing just sitting around doing it, being able to entain themselves that way, I get jealous. It looks very satisfying.
SOL: Is there an artist you relate to?
ADP: I think that would be Warhol too, though not after he got famous. more like the Warhol in those stories when Truman Capote first met him and could not get over how odd that he thought that he was.
SOL: What would you call your style?
ADP: Post-modern-neo-minimalist comic art.
SOL: Do you have a favorite piece (of your own and other artists)?
ADP: As you might guess, I am fond of cows, and really like the Mark Tansey piece. I actually have a joke that I will be using later in the strip where the Ivana asks Cow what her favorite painting is, then says "and you better not say The Innocent Eye Test! Don't even go there!"
SOL: Is there a purpose to your work? (Trying to pertain to specific audience, politics be it satirical or serious, etc.)
ADP: The nice thing about a comic as opposed to other kinds of art is that you can cover a lot of bases that way. I like the fact that it can funny, and philosophical, and political if I want it to be. But mostly I just like using it as a chance to express, and for it to reach the people that it is meant for and make them feel better.
SOL: Do you think feelings are important in the creation of a piece?
ADP: I think on one level or another, that feelings create a piece, even if the person making it is not aware of them. One thing is that you should, on some level, feel good about what you are making. Otherwise you are not being healthy.
SOL: How do other people view your work, as far as you know, and do you agree with their analysis? (I understand art is up for interpretation and can be different for everyone, but does not stop the fact you will have inclinations or reactions to what other people say about your work.)
ADP: I think that they look at it as a bit of a puzzle at first, they do not quit know what to make of it when they first see it, but once they do they tend to see it as a friend. That is my hope at least.