3. How did your friends react to your change in lifestyle?
My friends at the time were unaffected by my decision to be Straight Edge. It didn't mean
that we couldn't hang out and cause shenanigans together anymore, but it just meant I
wasn't going to be escaping from reality while being out.
4. Did your outlook on life change once you were through with
drinking and drugs?
Yes. I grew up a lot on the inside and I became what I believe to be a much better and
happier person. I see my life as a lot more clean and organized now than it was back in the
day. I have gotten to know myself more. I know now what my passions are and I recently
started My Lil Pumpkin Boutique. It's an online store where I make and sell items for
babies and young children.
5. What advice would you give to someone who's looking into
adapting the edge lifestyle?
Don't be surprised if people make fun of you for it or if you lose friends. Just remember
that it's your decision. It's your life and not theirs. When it comes down to it, you're doing it
for youself and not for anyone else.