You might have noticed a few folks wandering around town sporting hip new CICK merch . Yes , indeed , we have swag for you .
For more info and images , check out the swag tab on our website , smithersradio . com , call us a t 250-847- 8769 , or send an email to info @ smithersradio . com . monster mutation final thoughts from CICK ’ s ( new ) chief
Like a beast unearthed after being b uried under the ice for millions of years , the monster that is CICK is mutating and spreading its tentacles into all areas of the community . Our open house for the new studio in November introduced many area residents to the station , and the train car studio continues to provide a great space for local show production . The addition of a patio in the early summer will help connect CICK with attendees at the Farmer ’ s Market , and will pr ovide a space for local musicians to play . The Feb . 26th “ takeover ” of CICK by a class of students from École Muheim Elementary School allowed many young Smithereens to get in volved in a medium they had probably not been exposed to befor e . Hopefully , some of those young people will become regular listeners , and contr ibutors , to the station . The 2nd Annual CICK Royale fundraiser in March was a great success , and helped raise need ed funds for the sta tion to continue to incr ease its pr esence in the Bulkle y Valley and beyond . These events would not occur without the dedication and hard work of all of the CICK v olunteers , and our two part-time paid staff ( Glen and Matt ).
for sale
You might have noticed a few folks wandering around town sporting hip new CICK merch . Yes , indeed , we have swag for you .
We added a b unch of items to our s wag-pile recently , including tuques , t-shirts , stickers , magnets , and buttons , all featuring the CICK monster mascot and a skookum graphic that features our current digs , the CN
Train at Central Park . It ’ s all available now for purchase . So are CICK memberships , a great way to support your local station .
For more info and images , check out the swag tab on our website , smithersradio . com , call us a t 250-847- 8769 , or send an email to info @ smithersradio . com . monster mutation final thoughts from CICK ’ s ( new ) chief
Like a beast unearthed after being b uried under the ice for millions of years , the monster that is CICK is mutating and spreading its tentacles into all areas of the community . Our open house for the new studio in November introduced many area residents to the station , and the train car studio continues to provide a great space for local show production . The addition of a patio in the early summer will help connect CICK with attendees at the Farmer ’ s Market , and will pr ovide a space for local musicians to play . The Feb . 26th “ takeover ” of CICK by a class of students from École Muheim Elementary School allowed many young Smithereens to get in volved in a medium they had probably not been exposed to befor e . Hopefully , some of those young people will become regular listeners , and contr ibutors , to the station . The 2nd Annual CICK Royale fundraiser in March was a great success , and helped raise need ed funds for the sta tion to continue to incr ease its pr esence in the Bulkle y Valley and beyond . These events would not occur without the dedication and hard work of all of the CICK v olunteers , and our two part-time paid staff ( Glen and Matt ).
So , now that you have enjoyed reading this latest edition of [ sic ], think about all the hard work that goes into running a community radio station and putting out this magazine . Go tune y our radio to 93.9 FM , and let the CICK monster inside your brain . The cool thing is , from the outside , no one will be able to tell you have been “ infected ”! — Ken White , President