Shutter World Magazine issue | Page 18

T he Green Bee Eater is also know as Asian Green Bee eater, Small Bee eater, Little Green Bee eater and scientific name is Merops orien- talis. This bird known with many local names in different regional areas likes in Gujara- ti ‘LILO PATRANGO’ , in Hindi ‘HARIYAL’ , in Marathi ‘BAHI- RA POPAT’ , in Nepali ‘MURLI CHARA’ etc. The little green bee eater is near passerine bird in the bee eater family. The green bee eater is resident bird and they are founds widely in the Nile val- ley, western Ara- bia, the Gambia to Ethiopia, Saharan Af- rica from Senegal and Asia through India to Vietnam. These birds are mainly insects eat- er and they founds in forest, far from water, thin scrub and grass- lands. Likes other bee eater , these birds are more coloured and colorful. They are long about 10 inches with central tail feathers. Plumage of this bird is bright green and tinged with blue coloured on throat. The upper back part is golden rufous, flight feathers are rufous with green and blackish. The the legs are dark grey, iris is crimson, the feet are weak and joined with the three toes at the base and the bill is black. South East birds have green up- perparts, rufous crown and face while Ara- bian birds has bluish underparts, wings are green, green crown, beak is black. This is an abun- dant fairly tame bird which breeds in open country with bushes. Africa and Arabia they are found in arid areas. They are mostly found in plain areas but sometimes they are founds in Himali- yas at 6000 feets hight. They are resident birds in lowlands of South Asia. The green bee eater eat bees, insects, wasps, ants which are caughts in air. They are sluggish in the morn- ings. They are sand bathe frequently while other bee eater bathe in water. They are seens in groups while sometimes seen in 250 to 300 of large num- bers. The Breeding sea- son is start in March and end in June. They are make solitary nest and tunnel in a sandy bank. The nest of this bird is 5 to 6 feet long and they laids glossy white coloured 2 to 5 eggs. They showed an ability to predict, they feed on flying in- sects and sometimes known to take crabs. 18