Université de Bordeaux : Meeting and Multiplier Event
Transnational Meeting
Due to the ongoing pandemic , our fifth transnational meeting was held virtually via Zoom . The series of meetings were stretched across two days . They allowed the team to have detailed discussions and planning for the coming months of the project . This resulted in the development of more Pedagogical Practice Videos with 26 videos now being available on the e-platform ( https :// library . shout4he . eu / overview ).
The team also worked on developing the eBooks that will be made available later this calendar year . A more detailed update on this will be provided later in the newsletter .
Another impact of the recent COVID-19 outbreak is the moving of our fourth multiplier event , resulting in a virtual event hosted by Université de Bordeaux via Zoom . The event consisted of the following foci :
• Keynote : ‘ Together Through Technology in Socially Distanced Times : Lessons Learned ’, Dr . Carol Lanham Cirulli , Assistant Director , Center for Teaching and Learning , University of Texas at Dallas , USA .
• Latest showcase of the SHOUT4HE E-Platform , including 26 Pedagogical Practice Videos .
• discuss your own experience of technology-mediated teaching and learning
Multiplier Event
Despite the ongoing pandemic , the multiplier event was a great success with over 50 people attending the Zoom multiplier event .