The first intellectual output of the SHOUT4HE project is the Recognition Framework . The framework aims to provide HE teachers with the opportunity to reflect on their use of technology in their teaching and learning . This is demonstrated through two different dimensions within the framework , with descriptors being provided for ‘ Educational Practice ’ and ‘ Digital Confidence ’ ( pictured left ). The framework can be accessed using the following link :
library . shout4he . eu / framework A ‘ Self- Scan ’ can also be accessed whereby a snapshot of your current progress against the framework can be measured .
The second intellectual output of the project is the SHOUT4HE e-Platform ( IO2 ). The platform hosts most elements of the project and provides accessible to other outputs of the research . For example , the videos that are produced and shared by each partner of the project are uploaded onto the platform for viewing . The full list of videos can be found using the following link :
library . shout4he . eu / overview
Alongside this , the platform also provides a place for other elements of the project to be accessible . The e-Books of the project are stored and downloadable via the platform , with each newsletter from the research also on the site . The SHOUT4HE platform aims to provide a user-friendly experience where all outputs of the project can be accessed and interlinked where possible . To access the platform homepage , use the following link :
library . shout4he . eu