unxpctd . mov
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Dom to zaginione samoloty i zatopione łodzie ; to pochwała w formie wiersza . Film o australijskim kryzysie uchodźczym .
Home is missing planes and sunken boats ; a eulogy in the form of a poem . A film about Australian refugee crisis .
Australia 2015 . 4 ’. Director : Charles Williams . Production : Charles Williams
Charles Williams grew up in an isolated town in country Victoria . Over the past decade years he has received numerous awards for his films which have screened at more than 50 international film festivals . Selected filmography : “ The Cow Thief ” ( 2006 ), “ There Had Better Be Blood ” ( 2010 ), “ Happy With Bear ” ( 2014 ). Contact : charles @ charlieboy . com . au
Po badaniach dotyczących wzmocnienia widzenia poprzez podczerwień w nowoczesnych działaniach wojennych , Vika Kirchenbauer wykorzystuje te środki technologiczne by mówić na temat intymności , ciała i uprzywilejowania wzroku widza .
Following her research on enhanced vision via infrared technology in modern warfare , here Vika Kirchenbauer utilises these technological means to discuss intimacy , the body and the privileged gaze of the spectator .
Germany 2016 . 4 ’. Director : Vika Kirchenbauer . Production : Vika Kirchenbauer
Vika Kirchenbauer is an artist and writer . In her work she explores opacity in relation to representation of the “ othered “ through ostensibly contradictory methods like exaggerated explicitness , oversharing and perversions of participatory culture . Contact : like . rats . leaving @ gmail . com