dances with camera
set I
DIE STILLE ( Still )
Jak można pożegnać się z czymś , co nigdy nie istniało ? Zawodowa balerina próbuje poradzić sobie z konsekwencjami nieodwracalnej decyzji .
Film jest metaforą tego , kim jesteśmy i skąd pochodzimy . To sekret zawarty w otchłani . Ironią metafory jest fakt , że aby wyrosnąć , zasiane ziarno musi obumrzeć .
How do you part from something that never existed ? A professional ballerina deals with the effects of an irreversible decision .
Germany 2016 . 29 ’. Director : Lily Erlinger . Production : Leslie-Alina Schäfer , Marvin Rössler
This film is a metaphor for who we are , for where we come from ? A secret held in the abyss . The irony of our metamorphosis - in order to grow , the seed must die .
Russia 2016 . 9 ’. Director : Timo Zhalnin . Production : Storm Production
Lily Erlinger was born in 1988 in Germany . Her fiction and documentary film work has taken her across the globe . After graduading from Harvard University , she returned to Germany and now studies fiction directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg . Contact : lilyerlinger @ me . com
Timo Zhalnin was born in 1981 in Novokuznetsk , Russian Siberia . Director , screenwriter , editor . Graduated from Saint- Petersburg State University of Film and Television . In his hometown he founded a Youth Plastic Theatre and directed it during three years . Contact : olga . lansere @ gmail . com