dances with camera
set I
Gdy na ekranie przeplatają się obrazy starszej i młodszej pary , zaczynamy rozumieć , że nie jest to tylko historia o straconej młodości .
As the images of the older and the younger couple become more intertwined , we begin to understand that this story is not only
about youth being lost .
Netherlands 2016 . 6 ’. Director : Nicola Hepp . Production : Stiching Nicola Hepp Dansproducties
Nicola Hepp graduated the Modern Dance Department and the Choreography and New Media at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten . Since 2002 she teaches release technique , improvisation , composition and improvisation . Contact : nicola @ nicolahepp . com
Przejście od oswojonego do dzikiego jest dla większości ludzi intymnym przeżyciem , które nie pozostawia widocznych śladów na mapach .
The transition between not wild and wild is for most people all about a feeling and it ’ s this very personal response that matters not lines on maps .
United Kingdom 2015 . 10 ’. Directors : Katrina McPherson , Simon Fildes . Production : Goat Media Ltd
Katrina McPherson is a dancer , choreographer and a director . Over the past 17 years , Katrina has combined making video dance with directing television programmes . Since 1996 she collaborates with Simon Fildes . They co-run the production company Goat . Simon Fildes graduated the Biology , the MSc and the Electronic Imaging . Freelance artist and editor . Contact : info @ go-at . co . uk