Short Par 4 The Magazine Issue #2 October 2020 | Page 28

consumed by people of all ages , ethnicities , tax brackets and marketable demographics . It brings people together . Things are changing in the world of whiskey . More distilleries are being built . Different techniques are being used . Endless experimentation . With the hyper transient , always switched on nature of the world today , whiskey will always be there , slowly aging through seasons . Whiskey will always understand . It ’ s outlived it ’ s prohibition era pint bottle , marked ‘ for medicinal use only ’ to treat the common cold , fight cancer cells , aid in weight loss and digestion , and lower the risk of dementia ? Ain ’ t that just crazy ? Whiskey is a miracle drug for the ages .

Everyone has their stories of that first time with the Brown Ghost , as my friends and I like to call it . I grew up in the 80s so Old Grandad , Wild Turkey and Seagram ’ s were always in the unlocked , unguarded liquor cabinets of our parents and our grandparents . Simpler times . I ’ m not going to lie . The first time is always a little rough . And probably the second time too . Then endless , blurry rounds of shots . But then at some point , it hits you . It grabs hold of your soul after a certain sip . It invites you in , warms you up and puts a smile on your face . Whiskey Understands .

First , let ’ s straighten a few things out . I am going to guide you through some of the technical jargon and point you in the right direction . Whiskey should be enjoyable . It shouldn ’ t give you anxiety when buying it , tasting it or even pairing it with cigars . The first and most important thing that you have to keep in mind is never be afraid to ask questions . Ask as many questions as you want . Whiskey will listen . The whiskey community is good like that these days . Mostly everyone is cool and willing to help . Of course , there will always be the over educated . The pretentious , condescending , uptight cliques that look down their noses at everyone . Be assured , they are a dying breed .