Short Par 4 The Magazine February 2020 | Page 31

INTRO o Have you been suffering from lower back pain during and after golf? Does your swing feel stuck? Are you unable to generate the speed you once used to? If you said yes to any of these questions, we are here to help! The golf swing is a powerful full-body rotational movement that requires mobility in VSHFL´FDUHDVRIWKHERG\2QH of these areas is the thoracic spine, which is located in the PLGGOHVHFWLRQRIWKHEDFN,I mobility in this area is lacking, ORWVRIWKLQJVFRXOGJRZURQJ You could begin to lose your ability to rotate, which could, in turn, lead to golf swing mistakes like swaying and VOLGLQJ,WFRXOGDOVRIRUFH\RX to rotate through your lumbar spine, which could lead to SDLQGLVFRPIRUWDQGLQMXU\ FOLLOW ME &DUROLQD5RPHURLVDFHUWL´HGSHUVRQDO WUDLQHUD73,FHUWL´HGJROI´WQHVVVSHFLDOLVW DQGDIRUPHU1&$$'LYLVLRQ,JROIHU Carolina’s goal is to show golfers of all ages and levels how ´WQHVVFDQLPSURYHWKHLUJROIVZLQJSHUIRUPDQFHDWWKH JROIFRXUVHDQGNHHSWKHPSOD\LQJJROIIRU\HDUVWRFRPH SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER The following exercises will help you loosen up the muscles in the thoracic spine area as well as surrounding muscles that could be holding EDFN\RXUURWDWLRQ ,QFRUSRUDWHWKHVHVLPSOH stretches into your workout routine or do them before golf to improve your shoulder turn and maximize the potential of your golf swing