act” like the Spring Fiesta. Our “IT she is, neither too early to drop the
Moment would have to be Monique set of nor overlapping to other slots.
Bingham’s perfomance.
Atjazz And Ross was up next, taking
She bellowed her hits from Pride over the reigns from Monique
with Dj Pepsi, We had A Thing Bingham. Sphe and Dj Naives also
with Abstract Truth, Elevator did the interlude, boy did they
(going up) with Louie Vega, her receive an instant recognition from
Sho! was fortunate enough to cover hit “You,Me,World” and a new the crowd.
this year’s Spring Fiesta and we have mix done by BlackCoffee of the hit
our own highlights of the event. “Deep In The Bottom”. The later got You could tell that Atjazz meant
Moments that set the Spring Fiesta everyone dancing as if tomorrow did business. He dropped known
apart from any other event currently not exist and the “Elevator (going mixes, soulful, sing along jams from
out there. Every one knows that no up)” track might need some getting Afrotraction – Ngawe Atjazz remix
other event packs a mean “headline used to. I loved how time conscious to Marisa feat Saturna – moment
o the Spring Fiesta event has
come and gone. This year’s
event was without a doubt the
best event according to those that
attended, it still has that “Spring”
aura to it, something no other event
can bring to the scene.