and interested in buying can pull
Secondly it would be “Media”
,when I talk about media I mean
Radio;Television;Local Newspaper
etc.One should make amends
to approach the media sources I
mentioned above.
Sho!Mag : Would you say building
Thirdly what I would like to pinpoint
one’s brand is a fundamental
is that one needs to be humble and
element in one’s musical career?
respect your audience, because no
And if it is, how so?
matter how good you are at your art,
with a stinking attitude it will all be
MusiqKop : Definitely it is, all due
in vain.
to the fact that in the music scene
we have a lot of unnoticed talented
Sho!Mag : What would you say is a
people or shall I say “Undermined”.
“NO-NO” when one builds their
Just to be brief ,we have people like
music producers & backup vocalists
that I strongly believe that what they
MusiqKop : Taking all the credit to
stand for is not recognised. So to
yourself , because building a brand
speak in essence ,it is a fundamental
requires a team and making people
element that one buils his own
value you, you have to give them
credit for their valued input.
We’ve seen a lot of artists do that
Sho!Mag : What are the “tools”
and some of them have taken a deep
you can say a Musician can
slide downfall towards their careers
use to build their
because of such actions.
“My advice to young growing artists like me
MusiqKop : Firstly , one has to is that ,you have to be persistent, the music
be an active social network user industry is rough but most of all “Believe in
because social networks have made your hustle.Be original, the audience out there
things easy for artists to reach their wants something new and fresh , do not attempt
audience and sell their product. For to imitate what’s already out there.One more
instance ,you’re in Johannesburg thing you should know is “No man is an Island”,
CBD and you have 3 or 4 CD’s of everyone needs assistance at some point so
yours with you, you can simply seek assistance to help you put your brand out
tweet that if anyone who is around there”.
e have our two regular contributors,
“MusiqKop” and “Kat”for the feature
“BrandIt” as we discuss “How To Build A Solid
Brand Within The Music Industry”?
First on the line is Anele
Mamkeli,also known as “MusiqKop”.
Anele Mamkeli ,is a 20 year old
self taught male DJ and Music
Composer based in the Khayelitsha
which is one of the townships in
Cape Town South Africa. After
a several failed attempts to enrol
in music institutions, he basically
decided to teach himself how to dj
as well as music composition. It all
began on virtual dj years back, but
now he is a very capable and hands
on unsigned underground DJ and
Producer. Not only that, he is also
one of our regular contributors to
our magazine. This is how our “chat”
went down...
Sho!Mag : According to your
understanding what is
Brand Building?
MusiqKop : Brand building is when
one or a group of people establish a
certain brand and ensuring that it
has a solid foundation ,so as for it
to be able to grow from strength to
strength. Most importantly building
a brand requires one to know his
target audience.