Sho!Mag Issue 2 August 2015 Sho! MayJune Issue5 | Page 7

S ho!Mag : Thank you for taking some timeout for us, so who is Vesta (your birth name and surname) and where are you from? Vesta : Well Vesta is actually an ordinary guy named Willie van Biljon from Johannesburg, residing in the East Rand, in a small place called Alra Park . Sho!Mag : So Vesta, this music journey tell us about it.When did it start and how did it start? Vesta : Well music has always something intriguing to me from a young age. I still remember sitting in a Maths lesson in grade 7 saying to myself “I’m going to be a DJ” At that moment I thought of a name and gave myself the name ‘Vesta’, weird I know, but that’s how I got the name. Getting to High School, a lot of opportunities came up; there were a lot of events and DJ’s. I met Dawood Bay (SonicTouch); we shared the same aspirations and dreams. We started sculpturing our talent and putting it to practice at school. Due to this exposure at school we started doing gigs around our home town and people started recognising us. The year 2014, my matric year, I decided to start my own online radio station, I told Sonic about the idea and he thought it was fresh and unique! Alra Park Radio was started and we ran with the idea and we turning two years old this year. Sho!Mag : Honestly, how has your journey been within music so far? Vesta : The music industry is very harsh I must say. Whe n you passionate about what you do, some people tend to take advantage of your passion. It gets to a point where you just care about the music and everything else is just blurred out totally. From being exploited, used, mistreated and people underestimating you; It has been a very rough journey, but all these things teaches you a lesson and you surely learn from them. Sho!Mag : What is it that you do musically? Are you a music producer or a Deejay? Vesta : First love was DeeJaying, but I discovered that I had a ear for music. I started learning the basics, but I saw that there was a lot I was lacking, I made the decision to study Sound Engineering. After matric I enrolled into Cape Audio College in Cape Town, where I learned the fundamentals of sound, music production and also radio production. I studied for a year only, and then jumped to the University of Johannesburg. Long story short; I am a DJ and Producer Sho!Mag : Besides being in the music industry, what is Vesta currently busy with. Vesta : I’m a guy that loves exper- imenting new ways of innovation and just trying to find new ways of doing things. I have a clothing range I am developing which is called ‘Influence Clothing’ I am also currently a student at the University of Johannesburg, studying Business Management. Sho!Mag : Any musical projects you have been part of and are there any current ones you are involved with? Vesta : Well not really, but me and Sonic Touch have been speaking about doing something together so that is just something you’ll will have to wait upon. Sho!Mag : Future or planned musical projects. What does Vesta have instore for us in the future? Vesta : Yes for sure! I believe in taking your time and being satisfied with your music before you let it out to the public. I got a few hits I have not released yet, but those who have heard me playing live can support the statement. Alra Park Radio will soon be recruiting artist to sign as we in the process of becoming a music label; APR Recordings. We also have our Second Annual Birth- day Celebration coming up on the third of September. Sho!Mag : Looking back on it all, what would you say have been your Career highlights so far? Vesta : Oh man it has to be our first events hosted as Alra Park Radio with EmoBoys, Kenny Kunene and also our live broadcasting on the ra- dio from huge events such as Hype- soul’s birthday celebration where we had Shimza’s set broadcasted live and also broadcasting at Khomza’s event where we had DJ Thakzin, Mash.O and various DJ’s spinning live. Not forgetting the Annual Ekurhuleni Easter Festival in our home town where we broadcasted live and had Yfm Dj’s; DA Kruk and Zayi Maya, we also had Kwesta, DJ Ganyani and local acts. Sho!Mag : Any last words for the young ones looking at mak- ing music a career? Vesta : Never let anyone tell you that there’s no money in music or you wasting your time, it’s not always about the money. Follow your heart and stay true to you. Sho!