Sho!Mag Issue 2 August 2015 Sho! MayJune Issue5 | Page 3

Contents CONTENTS On The Spot On The Spot With Vesta COVER STORY VIBES SA ON THE COVER REVIEWS ALRA PARK RADIO 6 10 18 FEATURE MUZI GP - MUSIC REVOLUTION 22 FEATURE MZANSI MAG MUSIC WORKSHOP 26 Sho!Mag Sho! The Music Marketing Magazine consider its sources to be reliable and verifies all the information. However reporting mistakes do happen even though the information containeds is verified. So readers using the information contained, do so at their own risk. The publshers, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards tp copyright of their work. No part of this publica- tion can be copied in any form or by any means without prior writen permission by the publisher.