Sho!Mag Issue 2 August 2015 Sho! Issue#3 September 2015 | Page 2
Sho! Welcome to it. Phewww….How time
flies. Seems just like yesterday when we
dropped our 1 st issue and here we are, at it
again and going strong with our 3 rd issue
dropped just on time for Spring.
First and foremost, let me thank my friends
who have given wings to this project. From
the guys who took their time out to
contribute within our 1 st issue to the guy who
is actually through the pages of this issue.
Without your support and feedback, this
project would have been a “flop”. So with
that in mind, this is not my project but our
project. Sho! Is something we all own, that is
why your contribution, feedback and support
is of huge value to us...Keep it up guys :-)
Spring is in the air and what better way than
Produced, Published & Owned By to have the young talented Deejay Ceega on
our cover story. The timing was right for us
Soul KulCha
[email protected]
[email protected]
ho! The Music Marketing Newsletter/Magazine
consider its sources to be reliable and verifies all the
Information. However reporting mistakes do happen even
though the information contained is verified. So readers
using the Information contained, do so at their own risk.
to have a one no one with him, as this young
man has been making some serious waves
within the dancefloor this year all over
Mzansi. If it is not his weekly mixtape series
simply titled “Meropa Sessions” making us
dance, then it is his mixing skills and on
point song selection he brings to his set when
playing a live set.
As stated before, this issue is “simply for
Spring” and out with the old and in with the
new. What we did with this is a 1 st and will
never go down again, but anyway it had to be
done. “On the Spot” this month we feature a
The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their “Hip-Hop Deejay”, yes that’s right a “Hip-
rights in
regards to Hop Deejay”, and it will be clear to you as to
copyrights of their work. why we brought him on-board.
be As per usual we hold the ship down with our
copied in any form or by usual monthly features, on “BrandIt” this
any means without prior issue we discuss in depth what it takes to be
written permission by start “an independent music record label”.
Spring is here, so enjoy….Sho!
the Publisher.