Shockz Gaming Issue1:PewDiePie legend of the brofist | Page 3


The legendary Duck...thats all.....


Everyones favorite Pink stache menace markliplier, with the power of the pink stache he can glide and fly to victory...NOTHING beats the power of the pink stache!


Marzia is Poodiepies girlfriend shes a italian and in the Game PewDiePie legend of the brofist shes abit sneaky and creepy at the same time:'Now that hes gone i can eat snacks in bed all day', "POODS WHAT ARE YOU DOING!! I HAVE EYES EVERYWHERE!!!"


Jack is in the level Deep in the mines, Hes captured by two barrels who start talking to eachother and rthe barrel king explaining that there gonna lead pewdiepie into a trap by using jack, they realise standing behind them is pewdiepie and he jumps on them, destroying them to save jack...Jack and his eye will guide you on the mission to escape the mines

myMagazine/ April, 2013 3


Pewdiepie and his friends (playable characters here) Must defeat the barrel king and save all the fans, together they are the key to the legendary brofist...The legendary brofist cannot be obtained as....ITS INSIDE OF YOU...ITS IN YOUR HEART...and the barrels are empty on the inside...


The main character of the game.

Pewdiepie has Edgar and Maya the pugs to follow him on his adventures to stop the evil barrel army and save pewdiepies fans...


The man behind the mask is a complete mystery....nobody knows who this trange man is in the game....for all we know he has a crush with pewdiepie during the UFO computer level when they meet up, and once the level is finished they hold eachothers hands and talk/ whisper to eachother with the earth in the background of there love...


Hes a texan who happens to be living in canada....errr i mean the north pole....He helps pewdiepie in the boss stage Generoll, By searching for him using his bear sniffing powers...he also happens to find other enemys to so be careful and keep your distance from him.