SGC Barbarian
A British youtuber with a heart of diamond...ITS THE DIAMONDMINECART...
with his amazing abilites such as his attack ability where he gains a diamond sword and diamond armor for protection against baddies, and his defence special The Diamond Minecart...to help him move faster while invincible...He has a few suits:
Original (brown hair)
current(blue hair)
Docotor (brown hair doc coat)
Adventurer suit
Pilot suit.
Christmas TDM suit
SGC Barbarian also known as nick is good friends with SkyDoesMinecraft and one of his popular minecraft role play videos started as a normal series after skydoesminecrafts character died in it since he was the origianal main character which then took on to nicks job to keep the crafting dead crew together, Nick is a nice guy hell tweet good morning to everyone whos on twitter some times andsometimes reply to fan art sent on twitter such as game pixelart or drawn animae pictures.