SHIPPING AND MARITIME TRANSPORT 2012-2013 - ANAVE June 2012 | страница 2

CONTENTS Foreword by the President 04 06 07 08 30 09 Executive Committee world seaborne trade 12 world merchant fleet shipbuilding Newbuilding contracts decreased by 30% during 2012, to 44,8 million dwt. Deliveries continued at very high levels, with 149.4 million dwt, giving as result a 34.4% reduction in the order book. Newbuilding prices decreased between 5 and 10%. 15 Board of Directors Staff Member shipping companies Seaborne trade during 2012 reached a new historical record with 9,468 million tons. Demand in t·miles, increased by 4.2%. Dry bulk trade grew notably (+7.8%), container transport demand considerably less (+4.2%) while crude oil trade only increased by 1.3%. On 1 January 2013, world merchant fleet comprised 54,859 ships with a total of 1,543 million dwt, which shows an increase of 4.1% as compared to the previous year, very similar to the one experienced by transport demand. Layout: Conmunica Mediatrader, S.L. Project design: ANAVE