Shine Online May 2018 | Page 8




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Step 1. Thread a needle onto either end of an armspan of thread. Pick up 18sb and position centrally on the thread. Sew through the first bead strung so that the threads are parallel inside it. Throughout the project the words ‘firepolished’ is abbreviated to ‘fp’ and ‘seed bead’ to ‘sb’ with the number required before the letters.

Step 2. Onto both strands, string 2sb. Cross through 1fp – This means that the threads are going through it in opposite directions.

Step 3. Onto both strands, string 2sb. Cross through 1sb.

Step 4. Alternate steps 2 & 3 until you have the desired length less 1.5cm and have just crossed through 1fp.

Step 5. Onto both strands, string 2sb. Bring both strands together and pass through 3sb. Separate the strands and string 2sb.

Step 6. Repeat the method you used to create the band but replace the seed bead that’s crossed through with another firepolished. Add a total of 3fp and 4sb as shown.