Shine Online June 2017 | Page 11

For the beach hut, cut an arm span of thread (you will need to add in further length/s later) and add a stopper bead, pick up 9 beads of green, 4 clear, 2 green, 4 blue, 4 white, 2 blue and 3 grey.

For the first stitch, miss the last bead added (grey) and go into next bead then Peyote weave with beads of the same/corresponding colour as you move up, as you get to the top (grey) you need to decrease to create the roof. You are working from the centre out.

At the edge of the door I added the orange bead for the door knob. Once you have made it as wide as you would like (I did 16 rows), add two rows of the grey roof colour beads. Go back to the middle and do the other half in the same way. If you want to create the 3D effect on the right side after the two rows of grey beads down the edge, start adding the stripes but move up one row from the bottom (missing the first bead) and add the bottom row colour, as you move up you need to go a row higher with the colour each time which creates the perspective with the stripes to make it look 3D, as in picture, do this until it looks right, I did 17 rows. Now go back to fill in the roof, you are still Peyote weaving but going from side to side with the grey beads, following the rows with grey beads until you reach the top. It is quite easy but you may need to weave round to get yourself in the correct place at the end of rows.

For the pendant loop cut an arm span of thread pick up 1 dark grey and 5 cream, 4 times, weave back round these beads to create a circle and come out of the first cream after the first grey, Peyote weave round the circle until you get to the grey where you add two grey beads, this creates the corner.

Step up and go round again, add two grey at the corner again. Work your way to the centre and come out of the first bead after the corner. Weave round the centre which will stand up and work round in the same way. After two rounds like this, on the third round add one grey in the corner (instead of two) in each corner to end. Then zip the two sides together to form a square. Then weave a small tag from one corner, 3 bead Peyote weave for five rows and sew into back of hut.

For the Seagulls: Pick up 1 gold bead and 18 dark grey beads, Peyote weave up but sew through the third bead to form the tail, on the way back go round the gold bead and one grey to create the beak (try and keep the gold one straight –it has a tendency to go edge on) to the tail end you need to create three beads at the end, then two and the third bead is left as a single. The head end is three across, then the next row you have added one black bead on each side for eyes spaced with two grey beads between.

You create this as you weave up and down the body. You will have four beads across on every other row and five on the alternate rows, see picture, then add the cream beads – you can do this as the picture, on either side, or you can add all to one side as you will zip together to form a tube, forming the head end and leaving the tail flat. You can add the wings by forming separately and sewing on, (if you do it this way you will need to pick up four grey beads and Peyote weave for approx. 8 rows as you get to the end decrease to a single bead on the top edge to form wing shape.

Add cream underneath in the same way and sew together and attach to body). As I went on found it easier to weave the wings by adding directly to body – take thread through from zipping together to the grey beads back from eye – Peyote weave two grey beads down the side of the body using the body beads to anchor in one bead at a time and Peyote weave four across the wing and decrease to a single bead at the tip. They are about 8 beads long which is 16 rows, but until they look the right size.

I then did the same underneath in cream beads and sewing through the edge thread to join the top and bottom. I tried to get a bit of a curve on the wings to make them look like they were flying. Each seagull is then threaded onto a small piece of wire, (wiggle the wire in between the beads on the underside and out from the top, it doesn’t matter if not straight through as a little angle is good) loop or wire wrap loops each side. This is then suspended onto a piece of wire strung with five blue beads and wire looped at each end. (Five beads length in between gulls and three beads for the wire to attach to the ear wire. Then attach the shorter wire to the loop on the top seagull and the other end to the ear wire.