Holly loves...
Blue Nylon Flower Tassel Charm Gold Plated Cup
Seafoam Hemp Semi Waxed Braiding Cord
Miyuki Seed Bead Arrow Connector Charm
Step 1. Take one of your ear drop
frames and open it at the top.
Step 2. Cut a piece of sturdy
cardboard measuring approx.
4x4cm. From the reel of thread,
wrap your white thread around
this approx. 70 times. Pass the
wire of your earring drop under
all the threads.
Step 3. Leave a few inches of thread and cut your thread off your reel. Move this tail thread upwards and out of the way so it doesn’t get cut. Carefully slot one side of your scissors under the threads on one side. Cut them at the base while holding the top of the top of the tassel near to the earring drop loop. Pull the earring upwards and take your tassel off the cardboard.
Step 4. Take your long length of thread on your tassel and wrap
this tightly around the top of the tassel, below the earring loop.
Holding this in place, take a
second piece of thread from
within the tassel, and knot your
wrapped thread to this. Knot a
second time to secure. You can
now trim this longer thread to
match the rest.
Step 5. Make a total of 8 tassels
just like the first one.
Step 6. Cut a length of dark blue cord measuring approx. 10″. Position your 8 tassels around your earring like in the image below and start wrapping your blue cord once around each tassel loosely.
Step 7. Once you have wrapped
once around all of your tassels,
gently pull each gap together and
then secure this cord to the back
of your earring by knotting to the
cord that passed around the last
tassel. Complete this section by
knotting the other end.
Step 8. Repeat this process using
double length of turquoise cord.
Take a length of cord measuring
20″ fold it in half and knot to your
first tassel. Simply bring the folded
end of cord under the tassel and
thread the other ends through
the loop on the end.
Step 9. Continue wrapping around each tassel as you did before to add another layer of colourful cord and secure it as you did with the first cord.
Step 10. Thread a bead onto an eyepin. Trim and turn a loop.
Step 11. Attach this pin inbetween your tassel and your earwire.