Shine Online August 2016 | Page 10

Before you begin…

Cellini stitch is actually circular peyote stitch and by using different size seed beads a wonderful bold spiral effect is created. To make a bracelet, you’ll need a piece of spiral around 16cm long. However if you’re not sure about length you can leave the spiral temporarily unfinished, then make up the clasp to see how much to adjust the spiral’s length. Add thread as needed.

Step 1

Spiral Weave - The spiral, rounds 1 & 2

On an armspan of thread, pick up the following: 4 size 15, 2 size 11, 2 size 8, 2 size 6, 2 size 8 and 2 size 11. Pass your needle back through the first 2 size 15 seed beads added to form a ring. It’s up to you if you work the first round flat (as shown) or hold it in your fingers. As with flat peyote the first lot of beads you string make up two rows.

Step 2

Round 3. From now on, the next bead you pick up will always be the same bead as the one your thread is coming out of. So as you’re exiting a 15, pick up a size 15, skip a bead and sew through the next bead.

Step 3

Again you’re exiting a 15 so, pick up a 15, skip a bead and sew through the next bead. Notice that the bead that you are sewing in to is the second bead of the following colour.

Step 4

Pick up a size 11, skip a bead, and sew through the next bead. Now, continue as follows: Pick up an 8, skip a bead, and sew through the next bead. Pick up a 6, skip a bead, and sew through the next bead. Pick up an 8, skip a bead, and sew through the next bead.

Step 5

Now you’ve got one more bead to add to finish this round and you’ll need to sew through two beads so that you are “stepping up” to the right place to begin the next round. Pick up an 11, skip a bead, and sew through the next bead as normal then up through the first bead you added in this round. You will need to make this step up at the end of each round so each time you pick up the last 11 in the round you’ll know that you need to skip a bead and sew through two beads.

Cellini Spiral Necklace

by sarah millsop