Shine Now! Magazine September/October Issue Issue 4 Volume 1 | Page 41

Also, I serve through volunteering, mentoring and leading internal nonjob related tasks. Working full-time while being an entrepreneur allows me to lead by example. I set an atmosphere of camaraderie. People often call me for business, employment opportunities and advancements. While preparing for upcoming engagements, I realized that commonalities exist in business and employment. To "Lead up" means taking it to the next level. There are four traits to exemplify as you lead projects, people, and positions: L – when you are leading LOVE is a critical gift to share. As a child of God, we must show love to all God’s people. It doesn’t mean only Christians. Some will say they love God but since he created EVERYTHING we are all God’s people. As leaders, we must show the love of God to all God’s people. What does love look like? It’s an open-ended question that means different things to different people. For me, demonstrating God’s LOVE comes in the form of "Listening; being Optimistic; thinking Victorious and Empowering, Exhorting and Encouraging." E –leaders are Examples. Leaders wear many hats but at the end of the day people will follow someone that will serve them. Serve in the sense of support, help and encouragement. Leaders are examples and serve as counselors, coaches, therapists, clergy and sometimes parents. When you lead with love, you are prone to know and understand what the people around you are in need of. Leaders set the tone of what you need to recognize the greatness that is in you. As an example, leaders fill the void and help empower and encourage the greatness in each of us to manifest. A – Leaders are Authentic. I think people do a disservice when you subscribe to the thought of a “yes man.” People, especially other leaders 41