How to be a Healthy CEO: Leadership,You and Your Health
By: Aida Cirino-Lee
Growing up, my definition of a leader was to have authority, telling others
what to do while doing whatever I wanted. When I came to Christ, I
learned that leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration, motivated by passion generated by vision, produced by a conviction,
ignited by purpose (The Late Myles Monroe). Leadership begins with me
in my private life.
First, I discovered who I am in Christ. I learned the gifts the Lord bestowed upon me by building a deep relationship with him to uncover my
true purpose. Second, I accepted my role as a leader to influence others
to pursue their God-given purpose. As a result, I learned that the key to
being an extraordinary leader is to obey, submit and follow the Word
of God. Next, I must follow my leaders, parents, pastor, mentors, and
"Imagine your body is the company,
your cells the employees, your systems
the departments and your lifestyle is
human resources."
The Word of God says in Luke 8:17, “For nothing, is hidden that will not
be manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to
the light.”(ESV) In other words, the way you conduct yourself with others
reflects how you lead yourself in your private life.
In addition, how you lead your health, wellness, and self-care will determine the strength, length of time and influence you have to lead others.
Dr. Raymond Eneas wrote in his book, Leadership Motivation, (2016),
pg.59, “True Leaders take care of themselves mind, body, and spirit. They
want to give themselves and people the best of them. Your purpose demands that you be in the best shape of your life."
We have to become the CEO of our health and bodies. The CEO is the
highest ranking person in a company. She meets the needs of the company so it can function at the optimal capacity. It is productive and profitable. The CEO influences others to be a part of the company’s mission.
Likewise, imagine your body is the company, your cells the employees,
your systems the departments and your lifestyle is human resources.