Take the Lead: Improve your Market Value and make
more Money!
By: Davida Yemi-Akanle
Anyone who uses what God has
given them well will have more.
This is an unbreakable biblical
law. It’s generally known as the
law of use.
Matthew 25:29 states, “To those
who use well what they are given,
even more will be given, and
they will have an abundance. But
from those who do nothing, even
what little they have will be taken
away.” (NLT)
An important element of wealth creation involves creativity. I love being
creative. But there's another element of wealth creation that deals with
cultivation. It is an area many often overlook.
If what God gave us or the things we brought to life are not cultivated
then, at some point we can lose them.
A lot of people focus on acquiring more as a way to gain wealth. Yet, this
is not the full picture of what the Bible teaches about an increase. If the
main focus of a person is obtaining things without having a cultivator’s
mindset, then it is hard to create sustainable wealth.
Several years ago, after I gave my life to Jesus Christ, the Lord gave me
a gift. It was the gift to write. Anytime I picked up my pen, the writing
flowed. The New Birth unlocked a prophetic river of creativity within me.
I wrote 33 poems in one day. I shared my writing with whoever would
stop to listen or read it.
One day I listened to the wrong advice and set my pen aside. As a result,
the river of writing stopped flowing. A more mature Christian friend
commented to me that I spent too much time writing. I needed to focus
on other things. I listened to them and that was the end of my writing
spree, or so it seemed.