Shine Now Magazine September Issue_r3 | Page 17

How do you become a successful CEO of your body? I explain the com- ponents needed below: 1. Influence your body to work at its highest potential by providing your cells, organs and body all the nutrition needed to grow, heal, and prevent disease. 2. Passion is to achieve optimal health, energy and vitality to enjoy a long life by doing what you love and impacting the world. 3. Vision is to be an extraordinary leader. Joyful, productive, and spending quality time with our loved ones while fulfilling our God-given purpose. 4. Conviction is that my creator makes me with a purpose in mind I am the solution to someone’s problem. My genetics or DNA doesn’t control the outcomes of my health. So if I give my body the nourishment its needs to work at its highest potential, then I’m equipped to make a difference. 5. Purpose is to regain control of our health and bodies. We become extraordinary leaders influencing others to fulfill their God-given purpose. 17