Letter from the Editor,
Angeline Lawrence
Positive reflection is at the top of my list during the holiday season.
Growing up in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains served as the
perfect back drop for holidays filled with food, laughter and love. I
can still remember seeing the adult table decked out with the finest
china at my Auntie Shirley’s house. It was a short walk for me, we
lived across the street, but family traveled from miles away to observe
Thanksgiving Day in our little town.
Today, my holidays are a bit different from when I was a child. I am the
one working over a hot stove and preparing the feast with lots of love.
We have new traditions, but one remains the same. We are grateful to
God for our family no matter where they are.
Our contributors share their stories of joy, tribulation and gratitude.
Despite our struggles we can still show God our appreciation for his
love and patience towards us. He waits for us to bring forth a harvest
of spiritual fruit. He prunes us with the rod of correction. He showers
us with his Holy Spirit for growth. He enriches us through our trails that
bring us more temperance.
The blessings we receive will be more than our current capacity. The
fruit of our labor will manifest a harvest that will overtake us. Yes, we all
have overcome challenges in 2016. Regardless of the obstacles we are
still pressing toward the mark of excellence in our calling from God.
Yours In Christ,
Angeline Lawrence