Shine Now! Mag July 2016 Shine Now! Mag July Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 30

Do you know why? I read Jeremiah 29:11 and I trust that he who promised is faithful and will bring those promises to pass. I read Jeremiah 29:11 and I trust that he who promised is faithful and will bring those promises to pass. Back to relationships. Your attire affects every interaction you have with people. Ever notice how people treat you when you are all dolled up? You treat yourself different when you have a nice outfit on and your hair is #AllKindsOfFine. Then why do you chose to represent yourself and the Father in a way that is NOT worthy of your calling and gifts? Many times you don’t know what to wear or don’t have the desire. Either way, those are not valid excuses to dress less than the woman God created you to be. I share tips on why and how to dress in my new book, Relationships: Dress & Date like You Have inside Information. I know the importance of the inner and outer appearance for single and married folks. What are you going to do with this knowledge? Are you going to dress like you have the inside information or the way you did in the past? 30