Melanjutkan pendididkan ke perguruan nggi merupakan harapan bagi se ap siswa . Terlebih jika melalui jalur yang mudah , misalnya tanpa mengiku tes . Seleksi masuk Peguruan Tinggi Negeri ( PTN ) tanpa tes saat ini lebih dikenal dengan nama Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri ( SNMPTN ).
Tahun ini , terdapat 50 % atau 50 siswa SMAN Sumatera Selatan yang dapat mengiku SNMPTN , hal ini dikarenakan peraturan yang menyebutkan bahwa sekolah dengan Akreditasi A dapat mengikutsertakan siswanya dalam SNMPTN sebanyak 50 % dari total siswa kelas XII . Seleksi ini telah dimulai sejak awal semester 2 tahun ajaran 2016 / 2017 secara online , dan diumumkan hasilnya pada 26 April 2017 .
Cukup memuaskan , terdapat 26 siswa yang berhasil masuk ke PTN pilihannya melalui jalur SNMPTN . Hasil ini membuk kan adanya peningkatan dari tahun sebelumnya . Terdapat 10 siswa yang berhasil lulus di salah satu perguruan nggi favorit di Indonesia , Ins tut Teknologi Bandung ( ITB ). Muhammad Wahyu Ramadhan , salah satu siswa yang lulus di ITB fakultas Teknik Industri menyatakan bahwa untuk lulus SNMPTN nilai adalah hal yang paling berpengaruh .
“ Usahakan nilai rata-rata dari ap semesternya itu meningkat . Selain nilai , ser fikat yang berhubungan dengan fakultas yang kita akan pilih juga berpengaruh . Jadi , usahakan untuk mengiku lomba sebanyak-banyaknya . Faktor lainnya ialah restu orangtua , karena jika orangtua saja sudah dak ridho , bagaimana Tuhan akan ridho dengan kelulusan kita ,” ujar Wahyu memberikan ps kepada adik kelasnya .
Dengan hasil yang memuaskan ini , SMAN Sumatera Selatan berharap presentase kelulusan SNMPTN akan terus meningkat di tahun yang akan datang . Bagi siswa yang telah lulus dan akan memulai lembaran baru di perguruan nggi semoga tetap menjaga integritas dan nama baik almamater . Good luck young leaders !
Con nuing educa on to a higher level is a hope for every student , especially if they can pass it through an easy path , for example without taking the test . The selec on test to enter the State University ( PTN ) without a test is now wellknown as Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri ( SNMPTN ).
This year , there are 50 % or 50 students of SMAN Sumatera Selatan who can join SNMPTN . It is because the regula on sta ng that schools with an A accredita on can include students in SNMPTN as much as 50 % of total class XII students . This selec on has been started since the beginning of 2nd semester of academic year 2016 / 2017 by online , and the result was announced on April 26 , 2017 .
Sa sfying enough , there are 26 students who successfully entered their PTN majors via SNMPTN . This result proves an increase from the previous year . There are 10 students who were successfully accepted in one of the favorite universi es in Indonesia , Ins tut Teknologi Bandung ( ITB ). Muhammad Wahyu Ramadan , one of the students who joined ITB Faculty of Industrial Engineering stated that to pass SNMPTN score is the most influen al thing .
" Keep the average score of each semester increased . In addi on , the cer ficates rela ng to the faculty we will choose also have an effect . So , try to follow the compe on as much as possible . Another factor is the blessing from parents " said Wahyu giving ps to his juniors .
With this sa sfactory result , SMAN Sumatera Selatan hopes the percentage of the quan ty of the students who can pass SNMPTN will increase in the coming year . Hopefully the students who have graduated and will start a new page in college can keep the integrity and SMAN Sumatera Selatan ' s name . Good luck young leaders !
Have you ever imagined how your life would be in the next few months or even some years from now ? Why is it important to know what you want to do in life ? Do you have a plan ? Or do you just go with the flow and accept whatever that is in front of you ?
Wake up ! Today might be a good day to pass . You do good in class , have a lot of friends to hang out with , watch your favorite movies in your free me , or just scrolling down your social media account . But , let ' s think again . Do you want to be an average person in your life me doing average people do ?
Hopefully your answer is NO . I always believe that when we do more , we get something be er than we expect . Even if it is hard and seems impossible , but always remember that going extra miles will lead you to a be er result . Then , you may probably ask , how to do it ? Well , I am not saying that my life is perfect or I am the best person you may know . But , here are some of my experiences that bring me to be who I am today .
Started by being someone who was spontaneous and not into crea ng a plan , I found myself somehow unsa sfied with life . Although I did well in school and was always in the top 5 of the class , I felt something was missing . I had not found the things that made me happy ; something that made me alive . In my third year of high school , I was a bit confused about what I wanted to do in life . I did not know where I was going to or what major I should take in the university .
This feeling got stronger day by day un l there was a me I went to a friend and she told me , “ Dreams without ac on is hallucina on ”. I dreamed about studying overseas , working in a mul na onal company and making my family proud and happy . But , I was not confident and unsure if I could do that . I thought it was impossible . I thought I would just do what was safe and certain for me , even though it might not be something I really wanted .
But hey ! I realized that life was not only about today . I went to my teacher to get some advice about life goals . I prepared myself for numerous tests , applica ons , and essays . I spent many nights reading books , learning new things and thinking that I should start planning for my future . I wanted something more than just being accepted to my dream university . I wanted to be an Industrial Engineering student and be a Supply Chain Expert when I work . A er all the hardship and challenges , those efforts were eventually paid off . I went to Texas Tech University and checked off one of the dreams from the list .
There are some ways to succeed and achieve your dream . Be proac ve , join many organiza ons at school , talk to people and do whatever makes you happy ! You have to be confident about yourself , know your strength , explore the things you have never experienced before . Live the impossible thoughts possible . Do something in different ways ; avoiding same strategy to solve everyday issue . There are many ways to solve an equa on , right ? Try each of them and see which one gets you fastest to the solu on .
It never crossed my mind to graduate in Cumlaude and also sign off a job contract before gradua on day . I was super excited that I was accepted at Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam as a Procurement Engineer last year . I do hope that my dream to be an expert in supply chain can be real in some years from now . Fingers crossed !
128 Learn today , Lead tomorrow Learn today , Lead tomorrow