Shine Newsletter SMAN Sumatera Selatan Shine Newsletter - June 2017 | Page 3

LEADER’S CORNER SCHOOL GALLERY CLUB EXAMINATION VIKANSIA SAPUTRI : “NOT THE ORGANIZATION, BUT HOW WE HOLD THE RESPONSIBILITY” GRADUATION CLASS OF 2017 “It's not a ma er of what your organiza on is, but how we hold the responsibility of it.” Hal ini yang menjadi salah satu alas an mengapa Vikansia Saputri Anggraini, ketua Majelis Permusyawaratan Kelas (MPK) periode 2016/2017, memilih MPK sebagai tempatnya berorganisasi. Di sana pula ia pertama kalinya mengenal organisasi dengan menjadi anggota Divisi Aspirasi MPK periode 2015/2016. Pengalaman itulah yang melatarbelakangi majunya Ia menjadi ketua untuk periode selanjutnya. “It's not a ma er of what your organiza on is, but how we hold the responsibility of it. ”This is one of the reasons why Vikansia Saputri Anggraini, chairman of the Class Union period 2016/2017, chose Class Union as the place to get organiza onal experience. She got her first encounter to the organiza on by becoming a member of the Aspira on Division of Class Union period 2015/2016. It is a very beneficial background for her to finally become the chairman in the following period. Transparansi dan kepercayaan, menjadi gaya kepemimpinan yang digunakan oleh Vikan dalam memimpin para anggotanya. Masing- masing divisi dibebaskan dalam menyusun rencana programnya sendiri, untuk selanjutnya diadakan diskusi dan mendapat hasil yang sesuai dengan perkembangan sekolah. Menurutnya, hal tersebut dapat mela h anggotanya untuk menyampaikan pendapat. Sesuai dengan mo onya, “Do not be easy to argue, because every single thing always has other hidden sides.” Transparency and trust are two leadership points used by Vikan in leading her members. Each division is free to prepare their own program plan that will be discussed further to get the best results in accordance with the development of the school. According to her, it can train her members to express their opinions as it is in line with her mo o, "Do not be easy to argue, because every single thing has always other hidden sides.” Allah SWT dan keluarga merupakan mo vasi terbesar yang mengiringinya focus dalam belajar dan juga memimpin organisasinya. Dia berharap dengan harmoni antara siswa dan guru, sekolah dapat mencapai targetnya yaitu menciptakan para pemimpin untuk Indonesia di masa depan.(vif) 14 Learn today, Lead tomorrow Learn today, Lead tomorrow Allah SWT and family are the greatest mo va on for her to focus on learning and also leading the organiza on. She hopes that with the harmony between students and teachers, the school can achieve its goal of crea ng Indonesian future leaders.(vif) 3