SHGC 60th Anniversary ebook Final Issue | Page 54



In 2011 the College underwent a Curriculum Review process. This reflected the changing values in education. During a whole school assembly in 2012 students enthusiastically greeted the new subject offerings and revised daily structure. An excited buzz filled the hall. One major change was bell times. In 2013, the structure of the day would move away from

7 x 45 minute lessons to 5 x 65 minute lessons, to allow for deeper learning and teaching to occur.

This change also opened the door to changes in subject offerings. The Year 9 and 10 elective program offered exciting new subjects such as 'From Mountains to the Sea', 'History: Welcome to Television' , 'Fitter, Faster, Stronger' , 'Electronics and Robotics' and 'Theatre Studies: Stagecraft'.

New co-curricula activities also emerged, encouraging student thinking and problem solving abilities outside of a structured classroom. The Bridge Building competition became an important annual event and students would gather with much excitement to see teams compete for the first place and entry into the state competition.