Sherman ISD Building Bearcats Magazine October 2016 Inaugural Issue | Page 3

Sherman ISD is home to talented students, dedicated and inspiring educators, parents and business owners who are passionate about the success of our children. Our maroon pride runs deep, within both our long-term residents and SHS graduates, as well as for those who have recently joined the Bearcat family. There is also an incredible can-do spirit that permeates our community. When this spirit is combined with a dedicated teaching team, incredible support from our parents and business leaders, and focused effort from our students, the possibilities are truly unlimited! Our teachers and staff are among the very best in Texas and we have a rich tradition of fostering and honoring academic, artistic, and athletic excellence! Our athletics program is home to the annual Battle of the Axe game with neighboring Denison and we compete with pride in the longest running athletic rivalry in Texas. Our fine arts programs earn top performance ratings each year and represent our community well in both state and national level competitions. Academically, all of our schools meet or exceed state performance standards and Sherman High School has been recognized for academic excellence and college and career preparation by The Washington Post and the U.S. News and World Report for each of the past eight years. Providing further evidence of the academic achievements of our students, the Class of 2016 earned more than $4 million in scholarships, and are currently attending nationally and internationally acclaimed public and private universities. Such accomplishments are not chance occurrences; they are a result of careful planning, focused implementation, and future oriented thinking. Sherman ISD is currently working in year two of a five-year strategic plan that was developed in 2015 through the collaborative efforts of our parents, teachers, and community leaders. This plan is the foundation for our Building Bearcats 2030 initiative and contains the following priorities: 1. Research-based instructional practices will be used in all SISD classrooms to improve student learning and student opportunities; 2. Technology will be integrated into the instruction of classrooms at all campuses; 3. Parents and community members, representative of SISD demographics, will be involved in district and campus initiatives and the educational experiences of students; 4. SISD will provide students relevant and meaningful exposure to vocational work experiences; 5. School facilities will be evaluated and a plan for new construction, renovations and updates will be developed; 6. SISD will provide a proactive approach to build and expand co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for students; and 7. A nurturing environment will be established in SISD. We are actively working to achieve each of these goals, but over the next few months, particular emphasis is being given to examining our projected enrollment, evaluating our facility needs and planning for new construction and renovations. Toward that end, we have convened an advisory committee of more than 80 community members to examine data, gather feedback, and recommend a course of action to our trustees. Now is a great time to be a Bearcat! Please take a moment to enjoy this wonderful magazine that highlights the accomplishments of our staff and students. I invite everyone to connect with the district through the social media links on our website,, and in person throughout the year. I look forward to working together this year as we honor the traditions that have made SISD a premier district and we build a future that is even brighter and better for every child! Sincerely, Dr. David Hicks Superintendent 3