Sherlock Holmes and the Engineer's Thumb 1 | Page 27

Ellie Dunston She crept in . A ghostly silence hung in the air . There was very little light in the room , it was as if you were looking through very dark sunglasses . With every tip-toe the floorboards squeaked like mice . A ruthless , psychopath with only one thing on her mind …. Murder .
She slowly lowered her backpack from her shoulder . She drew out a murderous machine . A knife with some much power . The meat cleaver . She crept cautiously even closer to her victim . The room was eerily silent . There lay a double bed in the middle of the room , and lying inside the bed ( fast asleep ) washer ex , Damon . SHe reached the side of the bed , where she stopped and stared at Damon for the last time . Or so she thought . She lifted the meat cleaver and with 1 almighty swoosh , hit Damon . A stream of blood came gushing out . Damon got engulfed in a pool of his own blood . A waterfall of ruby , red blood streamed off the side of the bed . Then she ran away , with not even a glance back .
There was a knock at the door this morning . Of course Sherlock jumped to his feet and answered it . He never had any certersey to ask me . If you didn ’ t know already , Im John Watson , Sherlock ’ s partner n crime . Anyway enough about me , back to the story . The door creaked as it opened . To our surprise , it was a client . But not like any I ’ d seen before ... no . This one was different . He had a ghostly white face , bloodshot eyes and was shaking uncontrollably . I ’ d noticed his thumb was wrapped up with a blood red , ragged piece of cloth .
So he came in and we sat him down . Sherlock ( by this time ) was already examining him . Probably solved it by now anyway . “ So how did this happen ?” Sherlock said inquisitively . “ I .. I .. I have now clue .” Damon said shakingly . “ So we have nothing to go on now Sherlock .” I said very confused . By this time Sherlock was out the door . We found out that he woke up and he was surrounded in blood . He had realised his thumb had vanished . He had no idea . What happened ? Where had it gone ? Who had done it ?
So we decided to leave the client here and we went to his house . We took the car and by this point Sherlock was already saying all the possible culprits and suspects . The house was a bloody , gruesome crime scene .