SHEquality Matters Magazine: The #RepresentHER issue 3 | Page 2


Look and see!

A mix of this and that, and thecontent section won't stay formatted. It is V -Day so no time to carry on trying to fix it!

Stuff includes info on voting, women in business, Writing on the Wall Festival, Random stuff .......

Next issue will have a proper content page, maybe, we could just keep it this way!

The #EditHER

Thanks fot taking the time to look. and read. We appreciate it.

Well here is our V-DayElection Special!

Basically what we are saying is VOTE, if your in UK and old enough.

A quick look in the issue at organisations campaigning for women;s issues, voting, etc, across the globe.

We are working on a new website and new magazine to be monthly, and more stuff.

Still going through the final draft stage so this is a little peek, while we finalise it all.

Out now, because this is why we did this one.

Contact: - EditHER

[email protected]
