Feature Article
Habits of a Happy Mom
otherhood can feel like a daunting task, especially for
first-time moms. You’ve probably seen other moms out
there who look tired and at their wits' end. Or maybe
you feel that however much you do, it's just never enough. But what
about the moms who always seem to have a smile, who seem to
enjoy the chaos of being a parent? What is their secret? It all comes
down to a change in perspective and starting some positive habits
of our own.
1.Change your Self-Perception
Too often we, as mothers, compare ourselves to other moms who
seem to be “doing it right.” All we are really doing here is putting
added pressure on ourselves, and that leads to more stress! We fall
into the trap of inwardly competing with other moms to prove our
worth. Being a mother is a valuable and worthy thing in and of
itself. So take some pressure off yourself and love what you have.
3.Make Time for Yourself
This is the one big thing we feel we have to give up as mothers, but
it is the one thing we really need to hold onto if we want to keep our
sanity. It may seem impossible to snatch a quiet hour for yourself,
but what about a 15-minute session through the day meant just for
yourself? When the kids get put to bed, use that time to indulge in
something, such as a facial or a foot soak.
4.Get (Outdoors)
As busy moms, we spend a lot of time indoors, whether it’s because
we work part-time or feel stuck inside cleaning the house and
looking after the kids. Being a mom doesn’t mean being a slave!
Going outside is an important mood enhancer. Take a break from
laundry, and pop your toddler into a stroller so you can take a walk
around the block or go to the park.
2.Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
5.Get Active. You are probably thinking, “I’m running after my kids
all day…I am active!”
A happy mom asks for help when she needs it. Just because you are a
mom doesn’t mean you have to take on the world-or do everything
all by yourself. When you allow yourself to lighten the load a bit,
you will find it easier to get organized and alleviate the stress.
What I mean here is to get active doing something you enjoy. Do
you like to do a Zumba workout? Look for a local gathering that
you can go to. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to give you a hand
by looking after the little one for an hour. With technology these
Shelby County Moms Guide / April 2014 6