She-Wolf 1 | Seite 13

Then and Now

Yet, our lady wolves seem to sprout far less hair than men, and less likely to have their appearance altered. It continues to prolong the societal concept that women should be hairless, save for their head, which is a silly notion considering we grow hair in mostly the same places as men. Of course, that is, you're a she-wolf. Obviously you get excused from

the absurd amount of hair of that...time of the month. Even within books, women are either left out or their hairiness goes unmentioned by the author. Let's not ignore the fact that werewolfism could be linked to the

stages of puberty, especially following the moon cycle makes it especially feminine. Or is the moon's wiles that force men into unimaginable beasts with more power and more hair? Is it the power of women that grant men to be strong, or is just the matter of men being strong? Who knows?