Drea Frondorf
staff writer
will YOU be my
disappointment on Valentine’s Day as he longed for the
and love is the relationship we have with ourselves. To set
things to make me feel happy and loved. However, I also
the record straight, I believe the ultimate relationship that
realize at the end of the day, if I feel fulfilled, it’s because I
matters is the one we each have with God, and in that, our
made some choices to follow where God led me and enjoyed
relationship with ourself is unified. Then we have so much
the people and friendships He placed on that journey with
more to really give to others.
little red-haired girl’s affection that didn’t get reciprocated.
I have to laugh at the fact that I grew up believing in the
You may often hear me say I’m planning a “Drea date
He craved the idea of having a Valentine and believed this
princesses of Disney, fantasizing that one day my prince
night.” I do. I joke about it often, but then you will soon learn
“love” would make all things better in life, then felt the vast
would sweep me off my feet and love me no matter what
I am serious. Movies, popcorn, a drive with the windows
downfall of discontent when it wasn’t there. How many of
and we’d live happily ever after. Boy, was I disillusioned
down and the music up…whatever I am in the mood for. I
us can honestly say that we’ve been there, too? I’ve been
when that didn’t go as planned. Even after broken hearts
have come to a place of cherishing my alone time. There is a
there, done that, and I personally think I have a closet full of
and disillusioned expectations, I still believe in love, but not
huge difference between being alone and being lonely, too.
t-shirts for that one!
unrealistic fantasies with lofty pressures. I believe in love
It’s a mindset. I’m not often lonely; I surround myself with
Our culture idealizes “love” relationships as a cure-all for
that enhances each other because each person comes to
people I love who encourage me, love me, bring value to me,
life’s problems, or the “end-all” of how a happily-ever-after
the relationship looking to share and enjoy, not pressure to
make me laugh and help make my life fulfilling. I love my life
story should be. But what about all the single ladies and men
fulfill and complete the other.
and all that encompasses it. I try not to dwell on the nega-
out there? Does that mean we shouldn’t expect our happi-
If I ever have that one man in my life that shares the jour-
tives and always look for the silver lining. I’ve learned not
ly-ever-after, too? Is that supposed to be our ultimate goal
ney of living our lives together, great! If I don’t and I remain
to ask “Why?” so much anymore, but “Why not?” or “What
in life or we don’t win the prize of real happiness? NO WAY!
single sharing the journey of my life with friends, family and
I’m not knocking true love; when I’ve been blessed enough
God, great! Either way, my happiness factor is not going to
Strengthening love and relationships is an adventure
to have it, it is magnificent. I’ve come to learn through the
plummet. We were designed for relationship, and I think
worth pursuing in life. We live, we learn, we hopefully grow
years, though, that there are many ways to experience love
sometimes we forget that it means with ourselves, too. If
and change because of them, and we discover new things in
that can be just as or even more fulfilling.
we’re looking for the world and its people to fulfill our great-
each new person as well as in ourselves. I have lived the mar-
Healthy relationships, in general, can and do fulfill our
est desires, we’re looking for disappointment. I believe that
ried life and I am living the single life; in each, I have learned
heart’s desires. We can experience many of life’s greatest
it’s only with God that our greatest desires can be achieved.
a lot about who I am, what I want and how to love in deeper
blessings from them. Sharing respect, trust, commitment,
Happiness and fulfillment come from the inside out,
ways with all relationships. It’s giving and taking, forgiving
open and honest communication, fun, laughter, ambitions,
whether you’re married or single. To place that pressure on
and trusting, and finding that “in love” or “out of love,” life is
goals, love and friendship in any relationship enhances our
another person to try to fulfill that within you, that you can
fulfilling. Do I hope I find someone one day to share my life
lives. Good relationships create happiness. But the one re-
only fulfill yourself, isn’t fai r. I believe it’s up to me to make
with romantically, too? Of course! But if not, I do love the life
lationship that deserves and requires much attention, time
me happy! Don’t misunderstand me, I love when people do
I’m in. My wish is that YOU have that love, too!