Anna Pitts contributing writer
the love
felt His perfect provision week after week. He continues to write
Two in particular, I followed closely their stories on social me-
Delivered to our doorstep were two dozen roses, one for me and
His love story for us in completely unexpected ways, and daily I
dia and prayed along with so many others for healing. I per-
one for Emma. (I know, I know! I got me a romantic.) Flowers are
am left wondering what might possibly be next. Without question,
sonally did not know either, but our paths surely would have
not his normal sentiment, so that was quite the sweet surprise!
we have “felt the love.”
crossed at some point with the mutual friends and similar
I don’t really remember much else about how we celebrated last
Losing our home, as crazy as it was, opened our eyes to some
circles. Both fought cancer - one, a precious baby girl that ga ve
year, just that I was still super emotional at having to leave my
of the richest blessings of family, friendships, and community.
this mama’s heart an all-too-real perspective that we are not in
snuggly baby girl and go back to work just days before. The house
We still experience the generosity and kindness of people around
control and cannot protect our children from life; and the other,
was a mess, and pretty much stayed a mess, but a huge vase of
us every day through their well wishes, prayers, and offers to help
a young mother of two, whose strength and faith throughout her
beautiful roses held its place in the center of the kitchen table for
with whatever we need. Many of you, though I may never even
struggle made me hope that my faith would be that strong, that
weeks… Until they died, and I threw them out in the woods when
know how many, have extended your prayers to us or have some-
my light would shine so bright as hers if ever anyone saw me in
they started to stink. I saved all the blooms, though. The sentimen-
how supported us through various fundraisers to help us get back
my times of deep trials. The Lord granted them both perfect
tal Pinterest hoarder in me had to find them a re-purpose.
on our feet. Brandon and I were completely overwhelmed by the
healing and used their lives to draw me closer to Him in my lack of
This year though, I told him I want the whole commercialized
support of my home church in Florence, Rehoboth Baptist, and
understanding and show me more about His perfect love.
shebang for Valentine’s- cheap flowers from the grocery store, a
the generous amount of money raised for us through a humble
In other ways not so lovely, our marriage has been tested this
heart shaped box of chocolates wrapped in red cellophane, dinner,
spaghetti dinner. Oh, how I cried tears of joy and relief to see that
year amidst our trials and our maneuvering through as new par-
and a movie! He can leave off the stuffed animal if he so chooses.
check! I cry more as I write thank you notes for gifts and donations
ents. We have had to extend enormous amounts of grace to one
In our handful of married Valentine’s days, we usually just go for
from people we don’t even know - perhaps they know our families
another and forgive one another’s shortcomings time and again.
making dinner together with a little trinket of this or that, a sweet
or just felt led to give. To all of them, we have felt their love.
I have seen a whole lot of ugly manifest in me that I hardly knew I
card, and special dessert with Netflix. Not this year. This year
had. But even through these times, I have felt loved by a God who
even more in love with the joy we experience at Christmas and
created me and loves me so, even with all this selfishness and
This year, we’re living out of suitcases and there’s way too much
now even more so through the precious gift of our child. Nothing
strong, stubborn will. And in the making-up moments and asking of
stuff everywhere to relax when we are at home, much less cook.
will ever compare to seeing her toddle around in her reindeer
forgiveness from each other, I have learned that much more about
And while I usually dream of those sweet evenings spent at home
headband and her Christmas pajamas carrying the same chunky,
the sweet patience my husband has for me and fallen even deeper
with a movie and our little Scootie sleeping soundly, date nights-in
wooden puzzle pieces she didn’t put down for weeks after; seeing
in love with him. His quiet disposition is something I didn’t know
are just not the same right now. Still working to rebuild our home
her little face light up with awareness that these few little toys were
I would need so much in this life. It reminds me that the God who
after last year’s flooding, we struggle to find and keep any feeling of
new and different and belonged to her. It was a year to remember
created me also created someone for me, and it leaves me feeling
normalcy in this season. Though the Lord has been so gracious to
for certain. We woke up Christmas morning at my parents’ house
incredibly loved.
us in providing above and beyond our needs, and we are slowly but
with coffee and breakfast casseroles. I couldn’t help but feel the
Filled, surrounded, carried - there is certainly much to celebrate
surely making progress, this year warrants going out to celebrate
nostalgia of Christmases past, going to sleep Christmas Eve with
in this season. For in the midst of it all, both good and bad, the Lord
this day of love!
the excitement of a child at what the morning might bring. The
has been near. He has gone before, He is here in our midst and I’m
love in those moments still surrounds us.
feeling the love.
deserves a little something extra.
What a season it has been to love and feel loved. There certainly
Experiencing the holidays with Emma this year was so fun, I fell
is much to celebrate! The Lord has drawn us closer and closer to
Even more devastating, still than our material losses, are some
Him through devastating losses and enormous blessings. We have
of the precious lives lost in our community in the past year.