She Is... October Edition | Page 18

Tell Me About A Time... Hello Kings and Queens, I’ve missed you all so very much! I’m back (happy dance)! So this one came to me at work one day. It was an ordinary day, nothing special, however we have a very small crew and a couple people were running late and another called off. So the manager was on his way into an arctic meltdown. I could see the panic rising in his throat, his face turned red and he started pacing the floor while trying to devise a plan for the day. He looked as though his whole world was falling apart. Because I know how he can get when he is upset, I said a small prayer before I approached him (for his sake). I let him know that I was all caught up with my current project and that I could float from my post to the other to keep everything flowing until everyone else arrived. He got that, “why didn’t I think of that” face and said, “Uh yeah, that would actually help a lot, thank you!” The color returned to his face, he stopped pacing the floor and even got a little hop in his step. Here’s the thing, this is not the first time that this has happened and every time it does, I do the same thing. The day goes on, everything gets done and he’s making jokes by the end of the day. Yet, he still panics, forgets and loses his everloving mind the moment anything does not go accordingly. This is absolutely unnecessary. So I looked at him, at the end of the day, and said, “Tell me about a time when you didn’t make it?” He looked back, confused of course, and said, “What do you mean?” Listen, I don’t know who lied to you when you were growing up and told you that life was easy. Or maybe you had parents who made it look that way, maybe you were sheltered from the outside world and had no idea that when you open your eyes every day, you’re onto another adventure. Some are more exciting than others but they are all different and they are all meant for your growth. Every day is not