3. What advice can you give to the aspiring model or stylist?
My advice for aspiring models and stylists is to make sure they love what they do, because their love for or lack thereof will reflect in their works & ethics. "Strive to set your own trends".
4. It’s 2018! Since fashion is always changing can you share some of your tips for the new year?
My tip for the New Year and every year to come is to 'Be - Unapologetically You' because you are your own blank canvas, free to paint your own fashion scene, every single day.
5. Goals for 2018?
My goals for 2018 is to extend my talents to inner-city children by incorporating a fashion summer camp. I also plan to take a few inventions I have from the stage of conception to tangible consumer products, as well as publish my first bestselling book which will set a new trend in business values and ethics.
So you see 2018 is a definite win and Sharisma has a head start. Go get it ladies! #SHEIS