She Is... January 2018 Edition | Page 11

Happy New Year!

People say they don’t want to hear the “New year, New you” lines from others. Wonder why? Mostly because people hardly ever complete their new year’s resolutions. We set goals for ourselves that are achievable with a little hard work and will power. The problem is the latter, the will power. Once we lose our will, our goal is deflated. Can I just tell you all that one major problem is the goal! Who and what are you basing your goal off of? You absolutely can not look at someone else’s goals or life or body or work or relationship and tell yourself that is what you want and set a goal to make it so. It does not work that way at all. If the goal that you set for yourself does not fit your life, you will never achieve it because it is not for you. Stop looking at pictures and videos of other people's’ relationships and saying, “ooh goals!”, you have no idea what is behind that image and that is not for you. Stop looking at pictures and videos of other peoples’ bodies and saying, “I’m going to look like that!” Set your goals to suit your life and your lifestyle. Evaluate your relationship, if you’re in one, and set goals as to where it needs improvement, if you need to end it, do so. If you’re not in a relationship, focus on yourself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being single. Sometimes we let others such as society and stigmas get to us when in reality, before you can love anyone else you have to love yourself first. The only reason that you should feel the need to change your self image is if you look in the mirror and do not approve of what you see, just you, not what you think others see or what you think you should look like; Or if it is detrimental to your health. If you are unhappy in your current job, focus on what makes you happy, what skills you have, how to turn it into a career and start from there. This life is too short to spend it miserable and unhappy and focused on someone else’s life as opposed to your own. You know that feeling you get on your birthday each year, kind of like something changing but only on the inside because you don’t really see a difference. That feeling is called growth. That old saying, a year older and wiser is absolutely true however some choose to ignore it and continue on their current paths. I’m here to tell you not to ignore it. That feeling is there for a reason and it will help you immensely. Whatever you decide you want to do, enjoy it and do not settle for less than you deserve. Trust me, you will be neglected and abused by enough people in life, don’t do it to yourself. Treat yourself better! It’s 2018, Donald Trump is President, anything at all is possible! Love yourself first!

Enlightenment is Power!
