She Is Fierce & Fabulous Free Digital Magazine 3 | Page 11

The No . 1 Make Up Myth

Miss Clariss is not only one of my best friends ( sista from another mista )... she is a make up artist extraordinaire .
Having spent hundreds of hours training with one of the best make up artists in the world - Miss Clariss has a killer eye for detail and is privvy some of the best make up secrets you wish you ' d known years ago !
Here , Miss Clariss will reveal the greatest myth about make up , the biggest mistakes women make with their make up and her top 3 favourite products .

The Myth

Foundation causes breakouts :
Whilst there are the rare cases that someone will get a reaction which could be due to a sensitivity of an ingredient in the product itself , but foundation does not cause breakouts .
If you have any skin irritations , breakouts or



blemishes and then use the wands , beauty blender or brushes on that area and then continue to do this over and over , it is just harbouring and spreading bacteria on your skin which is likely to be the cause of breakouts .
This is largely due to other factors such as hormones , using the incorrect skin care or other factors such as not washing your pillow cases frequently , using the same face-washer over and over .
There are other factors that lead your skin to breakout as well such as using the same brushes or beauty blender time and again without washing them .
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Bacteria is stored in warm places and also things like sponges and brushes and this includes the little brushes that are used as concealers .